Senior Reps

Class Reps and SU Officers are part of various Committees and Boards to ensure that students are represented at every level of the University.


These are your Senior Representatives for 2022-23:

Senate: Chidi Izunwanne (HS) and Shona Jeffries (ASSaM)

Student Experience Committee (SEC): Mariana Loewy (PG), Leonie Tuxhorn (PG) and Dilhan Toredi (DCA)

ASSaM School Academic Board: Kathleen Stuart, Stephen Spencer, Mareike Ohl

HS School Academic Board: Hope Hartley, Rhian Hunter, Poorna Sooriyar, Claire Noonan

Equality & Diversity Committee (EDC): Jay Brown

Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
