Academic Appeal

There are strict rules with regards to academic appeal. You can appeal the decision of the Board of Examiners (only after they have issued your Academic Transcript). if your circumstances fit one of the permitted grounds for appeal.

These are:

  • Additional information is available that was not, and could not, reasonably have been made available to the Board at the time it made its original decision, and which had it been available could have led the Board to making a different decision.
  • There was a material irregularity in the procedures of the Board of Examiners.
  • There was a material irregularity in the conduct of the assessment.

You cannot appeal because you don’t like the grade, or think you deserved a better one.


The Students’ Union staff can advise on whether you have grounds for appealing, how to write your letter of appeal and what evidence to attach. 

A new Student Guide to Academic Appeals has been developed to provide advice and assistance to students who intend to make, or have made, an academic appeal. Please read it carefully!


For more information, read our Academic Appeal Leaflet


To make an appointment drop us an e-mail on or go online here

Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
