Student Elections: shaping your campus experience

Tuesday 16-01-2024 - 11:00
Elections 2024 article

As we begin a new semester filled with academic challenges and exciting opportunities, let’s take a moment to look at an aspect of campus life that often gets overlooked, but plays an important role in shaping your university experience – Student Elections. These elections are a vital part of your student journey and this is why your active participation is so crucial:


Student elections are a platform for diverse voices to be heard. When you vote, you're not just choosing a candidate; you're selecting someone to represent your interests, concerns and aspirations. These elected representatives become the bridge between the student body and the University, advocating for changes that directly impact your academic and student experiences.

Leadership skills

Running for a position in the Student Elections or participating in the campaign process is an invaluable opportunity to develop leadership skills. From effective communication and teamwork to strategic planning and decision-making, the skills you gain during this period are transferable to your academic and professional life.

Influencing campus policies

Elected student representatives have the power to influence campus policies and advocate for changes that enhance the overall student experience. Whether it's improvements to campus facilities, changes to academic policies, or the introduction of new programmes, elected representatives play a crucial role in shaping the university environment.

By actively participating in student elections, either as a voter or candidate, you can contribute to shape the future of the University and have your voice heard.


QMU, Students' Union, University life

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