Individual Athletes & Representative Sport

QMUSU’s Representative Sport Programme is here to support our students who want to compete at a local, national and international level.

The Students’ Union allocates a pot of money each year to ensure that we can help students fund their competitions, so even if there isn't a sports team for you to join, or you are an individual athlete, you can still compete at a high level!

You can represent QMU on a solo or team based entry and we are always here to help find competitions in your field, should you want to compete.

This is what Ciara Macpherson, International Level Shinty in Association with Scottish Student Sport, said about the programme: “Having played shinty for almost 8 years, it had been brilliant to be able to represent Queen Margaret University at an international level with Scottish Student Sport. Without the generous funding from the sports union, this would not be financially possible.”

If you wish to enter any competitions YOU MUST contact first before applying as our funds are limited.

Details regarding upcoming BUCS (British University and College Sport) competitions can be found on the BUCS website and on the BUCSPlay App.

Details regarding upcoming SSS (Scottish Student Sport) competitions can be found on the SSS website and on the BUCSPlay App.








Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU              

Telephone: 0131 474 0170
