The Committee
Every Club must have a Committee. The structure of a committee varies, but as a minimum there should be a Captain / President, a Vice Captain / Vice President and a Treasurer. Other Committee roles can be allocated according to need (e.g) Secretary, Social Secretary etc.
The Committee should work together to ensure all the key responsibilities are met:
Captains and Presidents - Must keep the club running and are accountable for decisions of appointed committee members as well as the behaviour of all members when representing QMUSU. They are the main contact with the Students’ Union.
Vice Captains and Vice Presidents – Support the Captain/President to run the club and are responsible for the running of the club in the absence of the Captains and Presidents, and are accountable for decisions which are made.
Treasurer - Responsible for the financial well being of the club and is expected to have good understanding of financial procedures and budget status and work with the finance administrator on budgets and fundraising. Some of the duties and responsibilities may include:
Registered address: The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, EH21 6UU
Telephone: 0131 474 0170