Student Elections - Why your vote matters 

Saturday 02-03-2024 - 12:00
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University students are often busy pursuing their academic and extracurricular activities as well as social lives. Amidst the hustle and bustle of campus life, it can be easy to overlook the significance of Student Elections. However, voting in these elections is very important and can have a lasting impact on your university experience. 

Student Elections provide you with the opportunity to shape the direction of your campus community. The candidates running for various positions represent the diverse interests and concerns of the student body. By participating in these elections, you can voice your opinions and elect individuals who align with your values and aspirations for the university. 

Moreover, Student Elections serve as a platform for advocating for change and addressing pressing issues within your campus community. Whether it's advocating for increased mental health resources, promoting sustainability initiatives, or enhancing campus inclusivity, student leaders play a pivotal role in driving positive change. By casting your votes, you empower these leaders to champion causes that matter to you and work towards building a better university environment for all. 

Involvement in Student Elections offers valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. Whether you choose to run for a leadership position or engage in campaign activities, participating in the electoral process enables you to hone important skills such as public speaking, teamwork and critical thinking. These experiences not only enrich your university experience but also equip you with valuable skills that are applicable beyond campus life. 

Voting in student elections is a powerful way for university students to make their voices heard, drive positive change and actively shape the future of our campus community. So, seize the opportunity to participate in these elections.  

Voting could not be easier. You will be sent an email each day of the voting period which will have a link which takes you directly to the vote. Once you have voted, you will not receive the mail again. We are also running an incentive this year. If 1500 students vote, we will pick 3 of them and they will each win a £50 voucher. If we get to 2000 voters, one of you will win a £200 voucher!  

Your vote matters—make it count! 





QMU, Students' Union, University life

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Student Elections, Voting, QMUSU, Democracy,

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